
Do you FEEL anything out of the ordinary? 

Some experiences that customers who have needed an automobile mechanic have in common are:

  • Front-End Shimmy
  • Steering Wheel Shake
  • Unusual Vibration

Do you HEAR anything different or unique? 

Some common sounds that warrant a visit to your mechanic are:

  • Clunk or Clunking
  • Noise When Turning
  • Clacking
  • Clicking
  • Chickachicka
  • Squeak or Squeaking
  • Leaking Air Sound

Do you SEE anything new or questionable? 

Some common problems you might see are:

  • Unusual lights
  • Leaking
  • Flickering

Do you SMELL anything funny?

Some common smells that mean your car may need a repair shop are:

  • Gas
  • Oil
  • Burning